
Exploring our world one hike and one adventure at a time, together!

Jeff (left) and Moe (right) are the Hiker Trash Husbands


We’re the Hiker Trash Husbands!

Married in 2008, and together as a couple since 1997, we’ve spent a good part of those years in the great outdoors and on the trail. Today we work, live and play in the Catskill Mountains, but over the years, we’ve been all over the place! Lately we’ve been spending a lot more time in northern New England too.

Today, Jeff is the Executive Director of the Catskill Center, an environmental organization dedicated to the protection of the Catskills, while Moe is the Lead Guide and owner at Hike On Guides, a full-service hiking and backpacking guiding company based in the Catskill Park.

As for hiking experiences, Moe is an experienced thru-hiker having completed the entire Appalachian Trail in 2016 and has subsequently hiked the Long Path, the Cohos Trail, and the Northville-Placid Trail. In between the thru-hikes he spends his time hiking for work at Hike On Guides and hiking for enjoyment. Jeff has has thru-hiked the Northville-Placid Trail, but his experiences have been more related to day hikes and backpacking trips. There are plans afoot for a joint thru-hike of one of the triple crown National Scenic Trails in the next year or two.

For the two of us, The Hiker Trash Husbands is an effort to provide positive LGBTQ+ representation in the hiking world. We're looking forward to showcasing our own hiking adventures, along with finding other queer outdoors folks to highlight as we build this effort out. Here's to celebrating Pride Outside!

When we’re not working, we’re likely hiking so we hope to meet you on the trail!