

Take a seat around the campfire, relax and join the Hiker Trash Husbands for some adventures!

Winter Update Vlog

Winter Update Vlog

It's been a bit since our last video, so we figured we'd check in with what's been going on, our short term and longer term hiking plans, and a few other life updates.

Jeff's been zooming away and otherwise at his desk for the Catskill Center (advocacy season!), while Moe has gotten back up to full health and going full steam ahead with guiding clients for Hike On Guides - so we haven't had many opportunities to hike together and create new content. This is a short check-in we did record this past week about what we've been up to, our big anniversary coming up, and our plans for this summer and fall. Hope you enjoy and we're looking forward to finding some time to get new hikes in together!!

Snowy Bushwhack of Halcott Mountain, a Trailless Catskill 3500 Peak from Route 42 in Lexington

Snowy Bushwhack of Halcott Mountain, a Trailless Catskill 3500 Peak from Route 42 in Lexington

Snowshoeing to North Point in the Catskills

Snowshoeing to North Point in the Catskills